Season 1 Episode #18: Lovemore N'Dou ~ Three Time World Boxing Champion, Lawyer, and Author


Lovemore N'dou is a three time world world boxing champion at the welterweight division, sparring partner of Floyd Mayweather Jnr, Lawyer, Business Owner, Author, and an academic (seven degrees!) and aspirations to becoming prime minister of South Africa.

In this episode, Lovemore explains how:

- He went from growing up during the South African apartheid

- Watched his friend die in his arms as a teenager

- Was arrested for simply talking to a white girl as a supermarket

- As well as overcoming other many racial and criminal injustices to

- Becoming an elite athlete and successful lawyer.

Follow him @lovemorendou

Follow us @theseladsaremental

Neil O'Sullivan

CEO / Cofounder Nimbus Co & Nimbus Online


Season 1 Episode #19: Hugh Miles - Creator of Pocket Smiles, The Book


Episode 17: Emma Doran ~ Comedian